Hello Balwyn – Open Day

In Events, News by miss_spartan

We are so excited to be hosting an Open Day at Macleay Park on Sunday April 22nd. On this day we are running back to back classes, showcasing many of our formats and will have all the coaching team on hand.

This will give current clients an opportunity to check out the new venue and also any new clients a chance to try out the classes, meet staff and most importantly, to see just how AWESOME the Miss Spartan Community is!

The classes are beginning to fill up, so if you are able to come, please lock in your preferred time slots asap.

To book in:
-Log into PT Minder HERE
-Enter the Code: MISSSPARTAN
-Then book in as many classes as you like!!

If you have any friends, family or work colleagues you think may like to invite to come along, please share this web link with them, or direct them to the Events section on the Miss Spartan Facebook HERE. We are working on encouraging teens along; with us already using Koonung and now with being so close to Balwyn High and Kew High, so if you have any teenagers keen to come and try, sign them up too! These days are such a fantastic opportunity to have some fun with your fitness and to enjoy it all alongside friends so jump on board!! For new clients wishing to sign up, we will have Open Day specials to consider.

On the day, we will also have a coffee cart on hand, Claire from Butterfly Fitness will have samples of her protein powder to try out, Marnie from Alleviate Me Remedial Massage will be there to soothe those aching muscles, we will have a stack of giveaways, merch to purchase and fun stuff for the kids.

Thanks to you all for your ongoing support, looking forward to a ROCKING Open Day…and having the fittest tribe in the East 😉 Winter is coming and we are going to hit it STRONG!
